خدمات الملاحة الجوية
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الموقع: « السعودية », جدة
أعلنت شركة خدمات الملاحة الجوية السعودية جدة عن برنامج التدريب التعاوني للطلاب الجامعيين بمرحلة البكالوريوس في عدد من التخصصات على النحو التالي:
– موظف علاقات عامة (لطلاب البكالوريوس تخصص الإعلام أو العلاقات العامة).
– مصمم جرافيك (لطلاب البكالوريوس في تخصص الإعلام أو تخصص ذو صلة بالتصميم).
– محلل إدارة الموهوبين (لطلاب البكالوريوس في تخصص الموارد البشرية أو إدارة الأعمال).
– موظف تقنية معلومات (لطلاب البكالوريوس في تخصص تقنية المعلومات).
المزيد من برامج تدريب شركة خدمات الملاحة الجوية بجدة
الهدف من البرنامج:
يهدف البرنامج إلى تحقيق مستوى عال من التوافق بين ما يدرسه الطالب في مجال التخصص وماهو مطلوب ومستخدم في بيئة العمل الفعلية من خلال التعاون بين شركة خدمات الملاحة الجوية السعودية والمؤسسات التعليمية لتدريب الطلاب وإتمام متطلبات التخرج.
شروط الإنضمام للبرنامج:
– أن يكون المتقدم سعودي الجنسية.
– منتظم حالياً في الجامعة أو الكلية بمرحلة البكالوريوس في التخصصات المطلوبة أعلاه أو ما يعادلها.
– لا يقل المعدل عن (2.5 من 4) أو (3.5 من 5).
– أن يكون التدريب أحد متطلبات التخرج مع توفر خطاب رسمي من الجامعة مع توضيح فترة التدريب المطلوبة.
– أن لا تقل مدة التدريب عن 10 أسابيع ولا تزيد عن سبعة شهور.
– يحق للمتدرب الحصول على شهادة إتمام البرنامج فور إكماله فترة التدريب بشكل منتظم مع الامتثال لقواعد وأنظمة البرنامج.
– يحق للشركة إنهاء عقد التدريب إذا عجز المتدرب عن الوفاء بالتزاماته التدريبية بما في ذلك غياب المتدريب من البرنامج التدريبي أو العملي.
– يتم صرف مكافأة للمتدربين وفقاً لسياسة الشركة.
طريقة التقديم في برامج تدريب شركة خدمات الملاحة الجوية السعودية:
Cooperative Training:
The program aims to achieve high level of compatibility between what the student studies in the field of specialization and what is required and used in the actual work environment through cooperation between (SANS) and the accredited educational institutions to train students to practice the tasks to their academic of specialization in the work environment.
Program Terms:
1- Training must be required to graduate from one of the accredited universities or colleges.
2 – Nomination by accredited universities or colleges (letter from the university).
3 – The required training period should be at least 10 weeks and not more than 7 months.
4 – Student GPA must not be less than 2.5 out of 4 or 3.5 out of 5.00
5 – Applicant has not graduated from university or college
6 – passing the personal interview.
About the Program:
As part of the company’s social responsibility, Saudi Air Navigation Services provides an opportunity to join the cooperative training programs managed by the Talent Management Department for a limited number of Saudi students from different universities and colleges to allow them to gain practical experience or meet the graduation requirements of the academic program. All trainees affiliated with any of the company’s programs are not eligible for company benefits provided to employees.
Completion of training programs:
The apprentice is entitled to a certificate of completion of the program upon completion of the program successfully and regularly and compliance with the rules and regulations of the program and the company’s internal regulations. – The company has the right to terminate the training contract if the trainee’s inability, ability or commitment to complete his training, including absence of trainee from the training program or practical training
Program Rewards:
Reward according to company policies.
Department :
Corporate Communication
Tasks & Responsibilities:
1-Preparing event plans & PR activities
2-Supporting in execution of plans
3-Coordinating with vendors & Suppliers accordingly
4- Post event reporting
5-Develop / translate bilingual content for internal & external publication
5-Social media content development
7-Research & reporting
8-Internal coordination tasks
9-Media Monitoring
Media , Public Relations
Cooperative Training:
The program aims to achieve high level of compatibility between what the student studies in the field of specialization and what is required and used in the actual work environment through cooperation between (SANS) and the accredited educational institutions to train students to practice the tasks to their academic of specialization in the work environment.
Program Terms:
1- Training must be required to graduate from one of the accredited universities or colleges.
2 – Nomination by accredited universities or colleges (letter from the university).
3 – The required training period should be at least 10 weeks and not more than 7 months.
4 – Student GPA must not be less than 2.5 out of 4 or 3.5 out of 5.00
5 – Applicant has not graduated from university or college
6 – passing the personal interview.
About the Program:
As part of the company’s social responsibility, Saudi Air Navigation Services provides an opportunity to join the cooperative training programs managed by the Talent Management Department for a limited number of Saudi students from different universities and colleges to allow them to gain practical experience or meet the graduation requirements of the academic program. All trainees affiliated with any of the company’s programs are not eligible for company benefits provided to employees.
Completion of training programs:
The apprentice is entitled to a certificate of completion of the program upon completion of the program successfully and regularly and compliance with the rules and regulations of the program and the company’s internal regulations. – The company has the right to terminate the training contract if the trainee’s inability, ability or commitment to complete his training, including absence of trainee from the training program or practical training
Program Rewards:
Reward according to company policies.
Department :
Coorperat Communication
1-Creative design & finalization of various materials (digital & print) – social media posts, banners,
2-leaflets, posters, etc.
3-Branding of items & assets
4-Designing infographs & data driven visuals
5-Motion graphic production
Cooperative Training:
The program aims to achieve high level of compatibility between what the student studies in the field of specialization and what is required and used in the actual work environment through cooperation between (SANS) and the accredited educational institutions to train students to practice the tasks to their academic of specialization in the work environment.
Program Terms:
1- Training must be required to graduate from one of the accredited universities or colleges.
2 – Nomination by accredited universities or colleges (letter from the university).
3 – The required training period should be at least 10 weeks and not more than 7 months.
4 – Student GPA must not be less than 2.5 out of 4 or 3.5 out of 5.00
5 – Applicant has not graduated from university or college
6 – passing the personal interview.
About the Program:
As part of the company’s social responsibility, Saudi Air Navigation Services provides an opportunity to join the cooperative training programs managed by the Talent Management Department for a limited number of Saudi students from different universities and colleges to allow them to gain practical experience or meet the graduation requirements of the academic program. All trainees affiliated with any of the company’s programs are not eligible for company benefits provided to employees.
Completion of training programs:
The apprentice is entitled to a certificate of completion of the program upon completion of the program successfully and regularly and compliance with the rules and regulations of the program and the company’s internal regulations.
– The company has the right to terminate the training contract if the trainee’s inability, ability or commitment to complete his training, including absence of trainee from the training program or practical training
Program Rewards:
Reward according to company policies.
Department :
Tasks & Responsibilities:
1-Monitors the effectiveness of utilized recruitment channels and provides data to Talent Acquisition Section Head
2-Administers screening assessments to job applicants and provides feedback
3-Monitors participation rates in career development programs and reports data to Career Development Section Head
4-Prepares regular reports to monitor and control SANS’ career development operations
5-Communicates the training schedule to employees and logs confirmed attendance
6-Manages internal and external trainers based on availability
7-Books training venues and manages setup based on the trainer’s requirements
8-Screens job applications based on SANS minimum requirements and creates summary profiles for short-listed candidates to be used by hiring managers
9-Meets walk-in applicants, gathers required information, and enters candidate in relevant talent pool
1- Computer
2-Team Work
3- Communication
4- Responsibility
Human Resources, Business Administration
Cooperative Training:
The program aims to achieve high level of compatibility between what the student studies in the field of specialization and what is required and used in the actual work environment through cooperation between (SANS) and the accredited educational institutions to train students to practice the tasks to their academic of specialization in the work environment.
Program Terms:
1- Training must be required to graduate from one of the accredited universities or colleges.
2 – Nomination by accredited universities or colleges (letter from the university).
3 – The required training period should be at least 10 weeks and not more than 7 months.
4 – Student GPA must not be less than 2.5 out of 4 or 3.5 out of 5.00
5 – Applicant has not graduated from university or college
6 – passing the personal interview.
About the Program:
As part of the company’s social responsibility, Saudi Air Navigation Services provides an opportunity to join the cooperative training programs managed by the Talent Management Department for a limited number of Saudi students from different universities and colleges to allow them to gain practical experience or meet the graduation requirements of the academic program. All trainees affiliated with any of the company’s programs are not eligible for company benefits provided to employees.
Completion of training programs:
The apprentice is entitled to a certificate of completion of the program upon completion of the program successfully and regularly and compliance with the rules and regulations of the program and the company’s internal regulations. – The company has the right to terminate the training contract if the trainee’s inability, ability or commitment to complete his training, including absence of trainee from the training program or practical training
Program Rewards:
Reward according to company policies.
Department :
support Services
Tasks & Responsibilities:
1- learn and prepare powerbi reports
2- create and desing optimial solutions for IT processes
3- Writing and presenting reports, proposals and applications
4- helping end-users by giving interactive workshops
5- monitor the skype system
6- manage the website security and content
1- Project Management
2- Microsoft Background
3- Team building skills
4- Communication Skills
Information Technology