شركة بروكنسلت تطلب للعمل لدى شركة كبرى سائقين رخصة خاصة / بخبرة أو بدون
لا يوجد اى رسوم للمقابلة او العمل نحن لسنا شركة توظيف نحن شركة لتوريد العاملين
للعمل بالمحافظات التالية فقط :
القاهرة / الاسكندرية / المنصورة / الاقصر / أسوان / أسيوط / طنطا / الاسماعيلية
للعمل فى مقرات الشركة داخل هذة المحافظات
براتب صافى 2600 ج شهرياً
مواعيد العمل شيفتات / مدة الشيفت 9 ساعات من بينهم ساعة راحة
كما يوجد حساب للوقت الإضافى + بونص
بشرط ألا يزيد عمر المتقدم للوظيفة عن 35 سنة
اذا اردت التقديم للوظيفة ارسالى على الخاص بالاسم ورقم الهاتف والمحافظة المتواجد فيها
و ارسال على الواتس اب على الرقم التالى بالبيانات 01120878396
و لمزيد من المعلومات برجاء الاتصال على الرقم التالى 01004293450
مقر الشركه ” 8 شارع عبد الرؤف متفرع من شارع تونس ميدان الجزائر”المادى الجديده
مطلوب عمال نضافه في افضل الأماكن وافخمها بالتجمع الخامس (القاهره) بمرتب مجزي جدا من يبتدي من ٢٠٠٠الي ٣٠٠٠ جينه العمل في السلاب و ف أفخم الأماكن وبدون ابلكيشن ولا اي مصاريف مشروبات مجانيه مع التأمين وباقي المستحقات وشغل غير شاق من الجنسين مش شرط السن ولا المؤهل للاستفسار صاحب الشركه العميد جمال رقم
٠١١٢١٢٤٩٩٤٧ -٠١٠٩٦٥٠٧٧٤١
مطلوب للشركه المصريه للمواد الغذائية وبدون اي رسوم
(((((((((مندوبين وسواقين. )))))))))
المندوب بمرتب اساسي2200+3300عموله الاجمالي5500 الاوراق كامله (فيش جنائي -شهاده ميلاد-كعب عمل-شهاده الجيش -شهاده المؤهل -4صور شخصيه)اقصي سن 35
العمل في نفس محافظتك ويتم صرف بدل موصلات
مطلوب سواق درجه تانيه بمرتب3500
وسواق درجه ثالثه بمرتب3000
اوراق كامله الاروراق المطلوبة فيش جنائي باسم الشركة المصرية البيرطنية شهادة ميلاد مؤقفه من الجيش كعب عمل شهادة تخرج أستمارة111تأمين طبي 6صورةشخصيةصورةبطاقه وشركة بتعملك تحليل مخدرات ام راتب السواقرخصةتالته 3000رخصةتانية3500 أم المدوب 2200أساسي +عمولة3300أجمالي 5500في الشهر/المنتج أندومي
يتم عمل تحاليل مخدرات داخل مقر الشركه في اكتوبر
لايوجدأي رسوم لانهاشركة وليسة مكتب توظيف
المقابله في العنوان السادس من اكتوبر الحي التاني عشر
شارع كان كان بجوار قهوه اخر ساعه ايام المقابلة الاحد والثلاثاء الساعه 8صباحاالاتصالات عبرالارقام التالية 01225761992 /01146511846
للاستفسار عبر الواتس01098351398
أعلان وظائف
مطلوب فورا لشركة سبيد أحمد احسن كبري شركات توزيع المواد الغذائية لفروع القاهرة الكبري. ( مسطرد والمريوطية )
الوظائف الاتية :
1- مندوب مبيعات سائق مؤهل عالى او متوسط شرط وجود رخصة خاصة او مهنية السن لا يتجاوز 37 سنة – راتب 4400جنية.
2- مندوب مبيعات مؤهل متوسط عالى لا يشترط الخبرة السن لا يتجاوز 37 سنة – راتب يصل الى 3200 جنية بالعمولة .
3- مندوب مبيعات جملة مؤهل عالي او متوسط شرط وجود خبرة 3 سنوات فى مجال المواد الغذائية السن لا يتجاوز 37 سنة – راتب 4600 جنية .
4- سائقيين رخصة مهنية يجيد القراءة والكتابة السن لايزيد عن 45 سنة راتب يصل الى 3200 بالعمولة.
المزايا :
1- تامين اجتماعي
2- تامين طبي فى افضل المراكز الطبية
3- تامين على الحياة
4- فرص للترقي لاعلى المناصب الادارية
للتواصل على تليفون : 01159698333 & 01229740458
ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الميل[email protected] :
العنوان :
بلقس اول مخزن على الشمال بعد نزلة مسطرد الدائري
للعلم لسنا شركة توظيف …. ولا نقبل الطلبة وشرط وجود موقف صريح من التجنيد.
اعلان وظائــف
مطلوب لكبري الشركات علي مستوي الجمهوريه
مطلوب لكبري الشركات علي مستوي الجمهوريه
مطلوب جميع المؤهلات في الوظائف الاتيه :
*** وظائف بشركات مواد غذائية ( طعمه – بريذدنت – لاكتيل ) وشركة ( اريال – امريكانا – انرجيزر ) ومجموعه المراعى ( بيتى )
* مطلوب خدمه عملاء للعمل براتب 1900 جنية وزيادة 500 جنية تانى شهر
* مطلوب سكرتارية براتب من 2500 الى 3500 جنية حسب الخبرة
* مطلوب مدخلين بيانات براتب من 1900 الى 2500 جنية حسب الخبرة
* مطلوب محاسبين خبرة لا تزيد عن 4 سنين وبدون خبرة للعمل فى الادارة الماليه براتب من 2500الى 3500جنية
* منسقين عروض في القاهرة براتب من 1800جنيه فيما فوق
* سائقين رخصه خاصه مؤهل عالي راتب يبدا من 3500اقصي سن 29 سنه
* مندوبين مبيعات لشركةللعمل على خطوط سير يتم تحددها من خلال المشرف
للعمل براتب من 3000الى 4500جنية والعمل من 9 الى 6 م التوزيع جمله ( كبار العملاء )
الراتب الاساسي 1350 + العموله 3000
الشروط مؤهل عالى حديث التخرج او فوق متوسط ومتوسط خبرة
السن لا يزيد عن 30 سنه
* ومندوبين يحملون رخصه خاصة او مهنية للعمل براتب اساسي 3000 جنية + عموله 2500 جنية والتوزيع تجزئه
شرط مؤهل عالى او فوق متوسط ويحمل رخصة قيادة خاصة او مهنية
والسن لا يزيد عن 32 سنه
* سائقين رخصه الاولى براتب من 3000الى 3500
* سائقين رخصه ثانية براتب من 2800 فيما فوق
* الثالثة براتب من 2400فيما فوق من القاهرة الكبرى
* امين مخزن خبره 4 سنوات الراتب في المقابله العمل 8ساعات
*** وظائف بشركات حلويات :
* عمال انتاج راتب يبد من 1800الى 2200جنية العمل 8ساعات
* عمال انتاج راتب يبد من 1900 الى 2200 جنية العمل 12ساعات
* افراد امن راتب يبد من 2500جنية العمل 12ساعات
* شيف حلويات شرقي الراتب يحدد في المقابله العمل 8ساعات
* شيف حلويات غربي الراتب يحدد في المقابله العمل 8ساعات
* بائعين في فروع المصنع االراتب يبدا من 1900الى 2200جنية + التبس العمل 10 ساعات
* استيور للعمل راتب يبدا من 1550 اقصي سن 25 سنه العمل 9ساعات
* ** وظائف بمطاعم
* كاشير موهل عالي يفضل خبره راتب يبد من 2100 جنيه
* فريق عمل تجهيز داخل المطعم راتب يبدا من 2100جنيه + 100جنيه انتظام العمل 8 ساعه
* *** وظائف بهايبر ماركت
* مشرفين : (ممرات – بقالة – مجمدات – تجميل) راتب يبد من 2500
* منسقين : (ممرات – تجميل – بقالة – مجمدات) راتب يبد من 1900
* مدير فرع حسب الخبره الراتب
* امن هايبر راتب يبد من 1900
* عمال نظافه راتب يبدا من 1800
* عمال مخازن راتب يبد من 2100 فيما فوق
* سائقين مندوب توصيل 2000 الى 3500
* كاشير راتب يبدا من 2100
* بقالين خبرة راتب يبدا من 2500حسب الخبره
* جزارين خبرة راتب يبد من 2600حسب الخبره
* فني تكيف وتبريد حسب الخبره
وظائف حرفيين
* ميكانيكي خبره ماكينه تغليف البسكوت راتب مبدئي 3500جنيه
* كهربائي متخصص مي اصلح ماكينه البسكوت راتب مبدئي 3500جنيه
* نقاشين للعمل في دهان الحديد راتب يبدا من 2000حسب الخبره
* نقاشين للعمل في دهان الحديد راتب يبدا من 2000حسب الخبره
* فني دوكو العمل في راتب يبدا من 2000حسب الخبره
* مهندسين فنون تطبيقيه خبره سنتين راتب يبدا من 2500جنيه
* مهندس ميكانيكا حديث التخرج الراتب يحدد في المقابله
او حديث التخرج يبدا من 1700جنيه
* خراطين للعمل بمرتب من 2700الى 3500 جنية
* حدادين راتب يبدا من 2500الي 3000 حسب الخره
* مساعدين حدادين خبره وبدون الراتب يبدا من 1400جنيه
* صاروخ راتب يبدا من 2500 الي3000 xبردين حجاره
* لحامين وعمال مكابــس وسمكرى دواليــب مرتب من 2900الى 3500 جنيــة
* فنيين تبريد وتكييف مرتب 2500 الى 3500 جنية
* فني صيانه ميكانيكه بدا من 2500 الي 3500 حسب الخبرi
* ميكانيكا نقل ثقيل راتب يبدا من 2700الي 4000
* سمكري نقل ثقيل راتب يبد من 2600الي 4000
* كهربائي نقل ثقيل راتب يبد من 2700الي 4000
* سائقين كلارك بمرتب مجزى يبداء من 2500
* وكهربائي تركيبات راتب يبدامن 2600مطلوب فني تركيبات
* مطلوب فني حمامات سباحه براتب يبدا من 3000الي 4000حسب الخبره
* مساعدين حمامات سباحه راتب يبدا من 1500 الي 1700 جنيه
* فني كهرباء كنترول راتب يبدا من 2500 الي 3500 حسب الخبره
يوجد عقد عمل عند استلام الوظيفه
التامين اول شهر من استلام العمل
1-تامين صحى وتامين اجتماعى
2-تامين على الحياه
3-زياده سنويه من 10% اى 15%
4-راتب بالفيزا
الاوراق المطلوبه
2-اصل الموهل الدراسى
3-اصل الميلاد
4-اصل الجيش
5-6 صور شخصيه
والاتصال من الساعه 10 ص الى الساعه 8 م
مطلوب سائقين رخصة درجة اولي او ثانية او ثالثة
الراتب من 2000 لي 4000 علي درجة الرخصة
المكان :- المينا – بدمياط الجديدة لا يشترط المؤهل
خريجين فقط / شباب فقط / السن من 22 إلى 45 سنة ساعات العمل: 12 ساعة يوميا
( 12 يوم عمل و 3 أيام اجازة – عقد عمل لمدة سنة –
تأمين صحى وإجتماعى)
للتواصل :- 01097222875
we need a sap mm consultant for nahdet misr publishing house with an exellent technical functional understanding
with sap along with good experience in configuration & support . if you are interested send your cv mentioning the job title [email protected]
مطلوب سكرتيرة للعمل في شركة الزهراء للتسويق العقاري بجسر السويس عمارات الفاروقية عماره 2أ .الدور السابع.
السن من 23 الي 30
تجيد استخدام الكومبيوتر وبرنامج word
لديها خبره في مجال التسويق الالكترونى
ساعات العمل من 11ص الي 7م
مرتب 1500ج+عمولات مجزيه جدا
ميعاد ال meeting
من الساعه 11 صباحٱ الي 2 عصرآ
في مقر الشركة
لللتواصل واتس
للتواصل فون
مطلوب للتعيين مسؤول مخازن شركه EPX# _لا يشترط الخبرة بالمجال
-مرتب بيبداء من 2500 ثابت مع توفير وسائل مواصلات من والى مقر العمل
-مطلوب ولاد وبنات ولايشترط المؤهل ويوجد مواعيد ثابته للبنات والولاد مواعيد متغيرة اسبوعيا
-حد اقصى للسن 45 سنه
-يوجد تامينات اجتماعيه وصحيه وفرص كبيرة للتدرج الوظيفى
-على من يرغب سيب اسمك ورقم تليفونك ف كومنت او يمكنكم التواصل على الرقم 01002069395
تعلن شركه مصـــــــارى
و هى شركه رائده فى مجال الاتصالات و الشحن و سداد الفواتير الاليكترونى عن حاجتها لموظفين من الجنسين للوظائف الاتيه:-
1- مندوبين مبيعات .
2- سنيور.
3- ليدر.
4- تيم ليدر.
بمحافظه القاهره
المميزات :-
– راتب يبدأ من 3000ج شهريا.
– التعين بعقد من اول يوم تعيين.
– التامين الاجتماعى من اول يوم.
– تامين صحى
– راتب اساسى متميز.
– عموله شهريه.
– فرصه للترقيات للمتميزين.
– دورات تدريبيه بشكل منتظم.
– خط مكالمات + باقه انترنت.
– اجازه اسبوعيه.
-كافه الاجازات و الاعياد الرسميه.
– السن لا يزيد عن 35 سنه .
– مؤهل متوسط او فوق المتوسط او مؤهل عالى.
– اداء الخدمه العسكريه او الاعفاء او التاجيل.
التقديم :-
الاعلان مقدم من الشركه مباشره و تمتنع شركات التوظيف و لا يوجد رسوم للتقديم
للتقديم مباشره اون لاين يرجى تسجيل بياناتك :-
للمزيد من المعلومات عن الشركه يرجى
زيارده الموقع الرسمى:-
عاجل مطلوب لكبرى مكاتب الاستشارات الهندسيه بفروعها بالرياض والقصيم وجده
1- مهندسين ميكانيكا تصميم تبريد وتكيف وانظمه مكافحه الحريق
2- مهندسين كهرباء تصميم تبريد وتكيف وانظمه مكافحه حريق
يشترط خبره لاتقل عن 5 سنوات -ورخصه قياده مصريه
والمقابلات ستكون مع صاحب العمل السعودى يوم الاربعاء 10-10-2018 من 12 ظهرا الى 6 مسائا ويوم الخميس 11-10-2018 من 11 صباجا الى 2 ظهرا
بمرتبات مجزيه+ سكن مؤثث او بدل سكن شهرين + تامين طبى وتذاكر طيران + 8 ساعات عمل ويوم اجازة بالاسبوع + شهر اجازة سنوى مدفوع الاجر
يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية وشهادات الخبرة على [email protected] او الاتصال من الساعه 9 صباحا الي 5 مساءا على (واتس اب )00201004868403- 00201124884886(واتس اب (
مع ضرورة كتابة المسمى الوظيفى فى خانة الsubject
مطلوب سكرتيرة للعمل في شركة الزهراء للتسويق العقاري بجسر السويس عمارات الفاروقية عماره 2أ .الدور السابع.
السن من 23 الي 30 سنه
تجيد استخدام الكومبيوتر وبرنامج word
لديها خبره في مجال التسويق الالكترونى
ساعات العمل من 11ص الي 7م
العمل طول الاسبوع معادا يوم الخميس
مرتب 1500ج+عمولات مجزيه جدا
ميعاد ال meeting
من الساعه 10 صباحٱ الي1 ظهرا
في مقر الشركة
لللتواصل واتس
للتواصل فون
تعلن شركة بيلارز للخدمات الامنية و نقل الاموال عن وظائف شاغرة بموقع متميز بالتجمع الخامس و 6 اكتوبر
مطلوب افراد امن للتعين فورا – مرتبات مجزية – تثبيت و تعيين – تأمينات صحية و اجتماعية -سكن للمغتربين – بدل انتقالات
للتعيين و المقابلات برجاء الاتصال علي 01101117630
العنوان :112 ش كريم جوهر – الهضبة الوسطي خلف معمار المرشدي – المقطم
A software company located in Nasr City is hiring ( Males ONLY ):-
– php developer ( laravel-symphony ) 3 years of experience.
– UI/UX developer / web designer with 3 years of experience.
If interested please send your updated CV to [email protected], with mentioning the title in the mail subject.
مطلوب شباب للعمل بهايبر ماركت المحلاوي فرع الحي العاشر مدينه نصر
تعلن مجموعة الوطنية جروب عن توافر فرصة عمل بمصنع الشركة الوطنية للصناعات المعدنية و المنزلية إحدى مصانع المجموعة وهى كالأتي :-
1- سكرتيرة تجيد الحاسب الآلي و اللغة الانجليزية يفضل من محافظة الفيوم او بني سويف
2-مهندسين ميكانيكا يفضل من محافظة الفيوم او بني سويف
• للتواصل : 01004631926 – 01022999170
• لإرسال السيرة الذاتية على : [email protected]
• عنوان المصانع : بني سويف – الواسطى – المنطقة الصناعية – كوم ابوراضي
If You Are Interested In HR Field, Hurry Up and Join Us In
?Duration : 3 Months Unpaid ( 6 Days Per Week- )
#Location : #Heliopolis
?Internship Core ? ?
Recruitment Process Including:
• Reading Cvs’ Skills
• Filtering CVs
• Telephone call skills
• Interview skills
• Common Mistakes In Interviews
• Complete data entry and auditing tasks
• Data analysis
•Bachelor’s Degree is A MUST
•Age Up to 28 Years old
•V.Good English (Both Written & Spoken)
•V.Good Computer & Ms Office Skills
• A Certificate of Experience will be provided.
• The trainees with perfect performance will be officially employed after the internship period.
Mentioning HR Internship in Subject, Any Mail without Subject will be disregarded
#LocalizeGroup for translation and Localization
Currently, Hiring #Project_Coordinator
Responsibilities :
• Control localization projects from beginning to end, by assigning, monitoring and follow up.
• Develop project plans and workflows, managing time, resources and quality control.
• Coordinate with and assign tasks to the production team/ freelance vendors
• Communicate with Vendor Management team in regards to the client’s language service’s needs.
Job requirements:
• Bachelor degree of any discipline.
• 0-1 years of experience.
• Excellent verbal and written English communication skills.
• Excellent communication, and negotiation skills.
• Organizational and Multitasking skills.
• Advanced MS Office skills (Excel, outlook, etc.).
If you are interested, please send a copy of your updated CV at [email protected] mentioning Project coordinator in the subject.
Menna Saad shared a link.
October 6 at 7:31 PM
Senior Full Stack .NET Angular 5 Developer
Job Requirements:
Required Professional Knowledge and Skills
• Fluency in English
• Advanced experience with Angular4+
• Deep knowledge of ASP.NET MVC 5+
• Advanced experience with HTML/CSS
• Deep knowledge of JavaScript, jQuery
• Knowledge of C#, .NET Framework 4.5+
• Entity Framework (or similar ORM)
• Transact-SQL, experience in relational database design
• Unit testing (NUnit, Moq)
Desired Experience and Skills
• Knowledge of German language will be as a big plus
• Kendo for Angular framework
• Familiarity with CI tools (TeamCity or others)
• Windows services
• TypeScript knowledge
• Automapper
• Knowledge and experience in application architectures and design.
Job type: full time
Experience: 7 years
Work location: Cairo, Egypt
If interested, please send your updated resume to [email protected]
Kindly mention the job title in the subject line.
Company location: currently in Cairo in Downtown (Greek Campus) and will be moving to either Heliopolis or 5th district within 2 months
مطلوب شباب للعمل بهايبر ماركت المحلاوي فرع الحي العاشر مدينه نصر
مشرفين : (ممرات – بقالة – مجمدات – تجميل _جروسري)
منسقين : (ممرات – تجميل – بقالة – مجمدات_جروسري)
سائقين مندوب توصيل
كاشيرية وخلف كاشير ومندوبين توصيل
مشرفين امن ( خبره)
افراد امن خبره السن من 21 الي 35
بمرتب مجزية جدا والعمل 9 ساعات + تأمينات + حوافز
والاتصال من الساعه 10 ص الى الساعه 5م
للاستفسار :
01003826033. -01013000154
A multinational company leading life insurance looking for a fresh graduate
location : Masr El Gedida
Job title Sales
Qualifications :
* Minimum 1 year in banking , sales insurance
* graduated
– Team spirit
– working under pressure
– Creative
– organized
* communication and sales skills
We offer:
• challenging career growth environment with unlimited opportunities.
• attractive salary package (salary 1500+ very high sales commission – bonus quarter)
Responsibilities include:
• direct sales of services and investment plans
If you find this suitable for you please send your updated CV to: [email protected]
Hiring: International Schools looking for:
School Psychologist
French Teachers
School Doctors
Character building
Good salaries will be provided based upon experience.
Interested candidates, kindly send your CV to: [email protected]
For immediate hiring:
Job title: CRM Specialist
Location: El maadi
•1-5 years experience prefer on shipping fields
•Very good English and skills on Microsoft office “word/Excel”
•Excellent communication skills
•Bachelor or master degree
•Identify any issue and working immediately to solve it.
• Previous Experience in customer care field.
Scope of job:
• Handling the different complaints channels (CRM- Call Center – Website – Individuals) within 48 Hours.
•He/She will follow up on clients requests and make sure that they are met on a timely manner.
• Follow up and report the execution of residents/customers request are fulfilled on a timely manner.
• Arranging visits to customers to the Branch to solve the complaints
• Ensuring the root cause resolutions are done for any complaint to avoid complaints’ repetition.
• Providing the customers with accurate information related to the company’s products and services.
• Ensure that all complaints are received and handled efficiently in a way that exceeds our customers’ expectations
• Handling all of service requests through the service requests by customers investigate their request to solve their problems with the maximum satisfaction and according to the request service level .
• Contact with all Customer to inform them about campaign and arrange appointment to visit the nearest branch .
• Coordinate with Call center and Marketing Dep. to manage the Operations of the Complaints Management Team, managing the relationship between GTS and the customer.
Please mention the job title in the subject
United Grocers “Seoudi Supermarket” is now hiring the following positions:
2-3 years of experience in recruitment function.
Must have experience in recruiting blue collar.
#HR_Coordinator “for branches”
1-2 yaers of experience.
Solid experience in personnel.
Males only.
If you are interested please send your resume to [email protected]
mentioning the job title in the subject.
Menna Saad
15 hrs
IT Sales Manager
Industry type: IT
Gender – Female
Company: Kochar Infotech (Indian company is looking to expand in the middle east)
Location: UAE
Nationality : European, British, Russian, Arabic
Salary: 15000-17000 AED + Incentives + Travel allowance
Key Responsibilities:
• Managing the sales activity planning, revenue objectives and account management while achieving outstanding results for the client.
• Support the sales targets by developing Senior Management relationships within prospect and existing accounts.
• To build working relationships with other Sales Directors, Sales Engineering, Product teams to develop joint account plans.
• Working with internal and external lead gen teams for generating lead, aligned to targets.
• Accountable to generate and achieve monthly territory forecasts and accurately predicts monthly revenues.
• Should have managed and successfully delivered complex solutions, sales bids and campaigns.
• Confident and comfortable at communicating and negotiating with C level executives.
• Strategic account planning and execution skills.
• Must be open to travel across Middle East & Africa.
• Should have IT knowledge
If interested, please send your updated resume to [email protected]
المقابلات يوم السبت الموافق 6/10/2018
العنوان: ١٠ شارع الجهاد-ميدان لبنان-المهندسين
للتواصل و واتس اب : 01227791382
يرجي ارسال ال c.v علي : [email protected]
تعلن شركة (مٌزّن) لتطوير التعليم
عن حاجاتها لمدربين فى التنمية البشربة وعلم نفس والكمبيوتر وغيرها ….
وايضا لمدرسين مصريين في تخصصات (الفيزياء والكيمياء والرياضيات والاحياء والاحصاء ولغة عربية ولغة انجليزية)
و شركة (مٌزّن) لتطوير التعليم هي مختصة بالتعليم عن بعد وتضم التعليم العام من المواد (من الـ KG حتى الجامعة) وايضاً التعليم الاحترافي مثل الدورات التعليمية والتدريبية الإدارية والمهنية.
والمنصة التعليمية هذي راح تخدم الجميع من خلال:
١-مواد مسجلة مسبقا
٢- مواد تعليمية مباشرة (Live) وجها لوجه بالصوت والصورة.
٣- سبورة الكترونية تتيح للاطراف مشاهدة مايكتب من ملاحظات.
الشروط الواجب توافرها فى المتقدمين :
-الخبرة التعليمية لا تقل عن ٣ سنوات في
-والمدربين يكون لهم خبرة ومعتمد من جهة علمية كمدرب
– التعليم والتدريس من مقّر إقامتهم (في بيوتهم وأماكن تواجدهم)، فقط الي يحتاجه المدرس/المدرسة هي الأدوات وهي:
– إنترنت وسرعة لا تقل عن 4Gb فقط من اجل عدم تقطع الصوت والصورة.
– جهاز كمبيوتر مكتبي/محمول في مواصفات متوسطة.
– كاميرا لا تقل جودة الصورة عن 2gb (فقط لجودة متوسطة) لـ اداء العمل
– جودة التعليم والتصوير/الفيديو الواضح و اتاحة الوسائل السليمة في التعليم من عمل المنهج والأسئلة والملخصات والتي تعود بالفائدة للطالب
-لديهم القدرة على تسجيل المواد بالفيديو وعمل (شرح بسيط عن أنفسهم والمادة الي بيدرسوها لمدة 5 دقائق)
مميزات الموقع :
– سهولة التسجيل وعرض منتجات المدرس التعليمية
– سعر الساعة التعليمية الواحدة (لاتقل عن 380 و ولا تزيد عن 700) جنيه مصري.
cv وصور الشهادات كملف الكتروني سواء PDF او Word (التصوير اليدوي بالجوال للاوراق والملفات غير مقبول)
لارسال السيرة الذاتية والفيديو على الايميل التالى
[email protected]
مطلوب للعمل
بشركة استثمارية كبرى تعمل فى مجال المستلزمات الطبية والاجهزه التعويضية
بفروعها الوظائف الاتية
1-مدير انتاج (العمل بالتجمع الخامس)
شروط شغل الوظيفة
-خبره من 5 سنوات الى 8 سنوات كمدير انتاج
-السن لا يزيد عن 45 سنه
-مؤهل عالى مناسب
2-مدير تصدير (العمل بفرع روكسى)
شروط شغل الوظيفه
-مؤهل عالى
-خبره حتى 8 سنوات كمدير تصدير
-السن لا يزيد عن 45 سنه
-اللغه الانجليزيه جيدجدا
-اجاده استخدام الحاسب الالى
3- اخصائى شئون عاملين (العمل بفرع روكسى)
شروط شغل الوظيفه
-مؤهل عالى
-السن لا يزيد عن 30 سنه
-خبره من سنه الى خمس سنوات سنوات
-اجاده تامه فى التعامل على الاكسيل
4- مسئول تحليل بيانات (العمل بفرع روكسى)
شروط شغل الوظيفه
-مؤهل عالى
-السن لا يزيد عن 35 سنه
-خبره من سنه الى ثلاث سنوات فى تحليل البيانات
-اجاده تامه فى التعامل على الاكسيل
5- خدمه عملاء / كول سنتر (العمل بفرع الدقى)
شروط شغل الوظيفه
-مؤهل عالى
-السن لا يزيد عن 30سنه
-خبره من سنه الى ثلاث
6-امناء مخازن (العمل بالتجمع الخامس)
شروط شغل الوظيفة
– خبرة من سنه الى 5 سنوات.
– مؤهل عالى / متوسط
-السن لايزيد عن 30 سنه
-اجادة استخدام الحاسب الالى
7-محاسبين مراقب مخزون -ذكور فقط (العمل بالتجمع الخامس)
– خبرة من سنه الى 5 سنوات.
– مؤهل عالى مناسب
-السن لايزيد عن 32سنه
-اجادة استخدام الحاسب الالى
وذلك بالمزايا الاتية:-
-تامين اجتماعى وصحى
-اجور وحوافز مجزية
-بدل انتقال
على من يرغب للانضمام لفريق العمل بالشركة يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الميل موضحا اسم الوظيفة والفرع المراد العمل به [email protected]
وفى حالة وجود اى استفسار يرجى الاتصال بأدارة الموارد البشرية يوميا ما عدا الجمعه من 10 ص الى 5 م على تليفون 01145008144
مطلوب اخصائيين مبيعات للعمل بشركة تسويق رياضي بالمعادى يشترط الخبرة ارسال السيرة الذاتية على :[email protected] او الاتصال على 01115505577
A customer service agents are needed in tamweel egypt company subsidiary of orascom hotels and developments
•Males & females
•English (good – fluent)
•Military status determined
•Fixed working hours from (10 am to 6 pm ) two days off rotational
•salary 3500
•if you are interested don’t hesitate to contact me on 01019969694 or send your resume at [email protected]
محتاجين 8 أفراد أمن للعمل داخل بنك امن ادارى 12 ساعه ف الاماكن التاليه
( بيفرلى هيلز- الحصرى- المهندسين – مول العرب – عباس العقاد – الميرغنى – الشيخ زايد – الزمالك)
فيزا للمرتب
بنقبل كل المؤهلات
سكن للمغتربين
بدووووون رسوم نهائى لإننا الشركه نفسها
التعيين فى نفس اليوم
التواصل على رقم 01229816222
العنوان 1 مكرر ش 26 يوليو ميدان لبنان
web developer php
experience 3 years
Salary : 4000
send cv: [email protected]
If you have an interest in working as an intermediary with a monthly income of 20,000 pounds,
Now you can work as an independent part-time / full-time agent for 1% net commission spot
We care about who has the experience and who has no experience in the field of real estate marketing and we have a team that will train everyone who has the desire to invest himself and raise the level of expertise in the field of real estate marketing and sales free.
if you are interested
Please call / 01010250290
Or send your Experiments on
E-mail: [email protected]
مكان العمل: التجمع الأول – بجوار أكاديمية الشرطة – بعد منتجع النخيل – لولو هايبر ماركت
راتب مجزى
بدل مواصلات
تامين اجتماعى
منح المناسبات – الأعياد
مسار وظيفى مميز
يتم تحديد المرتب و ذلك طبقا للخبرة الخاصة بالمتقدم
يرجى الحضور مباشرة بمول توين بلازا بجانب اكاديمية الشرطة التجمع الأول بعد منتجع النخيل إدارة اللولو هايبر ماركت
مطلوب موظفين تسويق لبنك من اكبر البنوك فى مصر التسويق للقرض الشخصي وبطاقات الائتمان
التعين على قوة شركة ملتي ناشيونال تابعة للبنك
#تامين صحى واجتماعى
* مرتب 3400 + عمولة مفتوحة من البنك
*تعيين من اول شهر
*تدريب مدفوع الاجر
الجمعة والسبت إجازة
خبره في مجال السيلز
مؤهل عالى بكالوريوس
من سكان القاهرة او الجيزة
السن أقل من 27سنة
اتمام الخدمه العسكريه
ذكور فقط
للتواصل :أ/مرقص عادل
01283174088 واتس أب فقط
او ابعت CV [email protected]
مطلوب فورا للسعودية بالدمام سلسله مطاعم(عصائر طازجه/شورما/كافيه)
-كاشير/الكود الوظيفى(كاشير0)
-مدير مطعم/الكود الوظيفى(مدير مطعم0)
–الشروط السن لايزيد عن30سنه/خبرة لاتقل عن3سنوات/أعزب…
–أرسل السيرة الذاتيهword fileمع صورة شخصيه
01140099813//[email protected]//01120280672
IT Associate – Cairo, Egypt
The IT Associate is mainly responsible for the smooth running of computer systems and ensuring users get maximum benefits from them. Moreover, s/he is responsible for maintaining and monitoring the performance of the network and computer systems of the organization and its branches.
Our strong commitment to excellence in service delivery means that we seek only the best people to carry out our mission.
At Coptic Orphans, we are committed to a Child-Safe environment as the children’s dignity, safety, and well-being are at the center of all we do. As such, all selected candidates will be required to submit to a criminal background check, or working with children check, as part of of their hiring process. Continued employment is contingent upon the check indicating clear records of any child-related violations. Check may be repeated as required by each country’s laws and provisions.
Essential Functions and Responsibilities:
Installing and configuring computer, network hardware, phone system, and upgrades of operating systems and applications.
Providing desktop hardware support through repairing, configuring, and troubleshooting of PCs, servers, printers, scanners, and other office equipment.
Replacing hardware parts as required.
Maintaining Helpdesk system by responding to IT tickets in a timely manner.
Supporting the staff through a series of actions to help set up systems or resolve issues.
Implementing procedural documentation and IT relevant reports.
Setting up new users’ accounts and profiles and dealing with password issues, ensuring appropriate permissions are assigned to each according to their job level.
Support GSuite Coptic Orphans’ account, including email system, file sharing and all other GSuite features.
Conducting electrical safety checks on computer equipment.
Administrating Coptic Orphans’ network design and all its components and ensure its availability, security and scalability.
Handling inventory of all network hardware, software, licenses, etc.
Other duties assigned by supervisor.
Required Education, Experience, Knowledge and Skills:
BA in computer science or information systems with 5 years of experience in information technology and information systems.
At least 3 years experience as IT technical support.
Good command of spoken and written English.
Strong command of all MS Office software, Windows OS(XP, Vista, 7 & 8), Server, 2003, 2008, 2012 proficiency.
Strong experience in network administration.
MCSE / CCNA is a plus.
Excellent organizational skills and the ability to coordinate multiple tasks efficiently.
Must be detail-oriented.
People-oriented, rapidly establishing a good working relationship with staff members and other professionals, e.g., software developers.
Steady and has positive attitude.
Ability to learn fast.
Problem-solving skills.
Working Conditions and Environment:
May be required to work extra/off-duty hours when necessary with no overtime compensation.
Apply Now
gypt – Project Specialist
Purpose of the Job
The Program Specialist position exists to provide technical, logistical and administrative support and coordination to aid the implementation of developmental programs and/or projects of Coptic Orphans. The incumbent facilitates, coordinates and organizes project activities as necessary, and supports Program/Project Manager and team to enhance the performance of the Community Development Associations (CDA’s) or others involved in the implementation of the programs, which in turn enhances the program/project deliverables. The incumbent must be well versed in monitoring implementation activities to report on assigned programs, with the ability to combine a great level of details and the big picture to connect the program’s various parts with the individuals involved therein.
Essential Functions and Responsibilities:
Support program/Project Manager in the implementation of assigned program’s tasks; assist in program design and data collection via forms and tools to ensure proper implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
Compile and record data from forms, report on all activities of assigned programs/projects, maintain and organize program data on the drive, and keep hard copy files as appropriate.
Report and follow up on various program/ project initiatives; prepare monthly, quarterly and ad hock reports as needed, and provide the Program Manager with relevant information.
In communication with Program Management, coordinate program activities with field team, such as new forms, using various project management tools.
Provide Communications Department and Management with information for Annual Reports, news releases, and other information such as stories, challenges, needs and statistics.
Records the updates of the Program/Project Manuals, such as reference manuals, and similar documentation as necessary, to reflect changes and directions from Program/ Project Management.
Provide administrative and logistical support to the program/project, such as correspondence to external partners, setting meeting agenda and taking minutes, arranging and preparing for training and other events such as new volunteer representatives’ orientation, quarterly meetings, etc.
Provide feedback from CDA’s to help with training plans and needs.
Assist Program/Project Manager in monitoring and reporting on program budgets and costs.
Support the work of CDA teams through regular field visits and in carrying out program implementation work through effective communications, coaching, discussions, and field visits to follow up and gauge the effectiveness of team performance.
Report issues, concerns, and successes to the respective Program/ Project Manager/Director, top management
As directed; initiate, establish, and maintain strong and courteous relationships with partners and stakeholders such as; field coordinators, government officials, local communities, community development agencies (CDA’s), religious leaders, public figures, media personnel, and others who may positively impact program results.
Receive, review, compile and submit technical and financial reports of CDA’s or reps as appropriate, and submit them to the finance department at Coptic Orphans.
Perform other relevant tasks and functions as required or necessary.
Required Education, Knowledge, Skills and Experience:
BA in the Human Development or closely related field, and 2 years of relevant experience.
Excellent command of English at proficiency level in both, written and spoken.
Excellent internet research skills and proficiency in using Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).
Personal awareness of the intersectionality of the root causes of discrimination against girls and women and willing to work in complex situations.
Outstanding communication; strong interpersonal skills, ability to work with all levels of staff and management within the organization as well as external partners or vendors, all within a spirit of service.
Excellent organizational skills in thought process and time management as well as the ability to prioritize and be ahead of deadlines to manage expectations in a fast-paced environment with changing demands.
Proven high level of accuracy and attention to details and problem-solving skills.
Demonstrated ability to work independently with minimal direction, and work well as part of a team.
Previous work experience and/or volunteering with community development associations.
Fiscal Responsibilities (budgeting responsibilities, approval privileges on purchase orders and check requests, reporting and auditing functions)
Limited to review and assistance with relevant expense reports as directed.
Extent of Public Contact (within and outside the organization)
Regular daily contact with Cairo Office, field staff, and HQ office; frequent contacts with external partners such as CDAs, vendors and other organizations.
Limited to typical office environment such as walking, sitting, typing, using office equipment, and occasional lifting of boxes or luggage during travel.
Working Conditions and Environment (i.e., necessary travel, unusual work hours, etc.)
Travel throughout Egypt may reach as much as 30% of the times.
Some off work and weekend work required when necessary.
Apply Now
Egypt – Senior IS/IT Administrator
Purpose of the Job
The Sr. IT/IS Administrator is an Information Technology professional whose main objective is to be accountable for Coptic Orphans’ Technology Solution Design, Implementation, and maintenance. With solid experience in System Administration, the incumbent’s functions include: acting as 2nd level support and point of escalation for complex issues and inquiries; keeping track of the systems architecture design; ensuring Coptic Orphans’ systems availability, reliability, scalability, and security.
Essential Functions and Responsibilities
Responsible for all Coptic Orphans’ Systems and Networks design, implementation and maintenance.
Responsible for implementing needed modifications and design changes requested for the current system’s functionalities.
Performs the troubleshooting as required, leads to problem-solving efforts often involving outside vendors and other support personnel and/or organizations.
Ensures high availability and acceptable levels of performance of mission-critical systems.
Act as 2nd level support and point of escalation for complex issues and inquiries internal and external customers.
Analyze, design and implement all needed systems’ automation to ensure that users are able to do their system-related responsibilities with minimum effort and time.
Keep track of the system architecture design and ensure the design compatibility.
Ensure data consistency between both sides of the business: “Children & Families (Egypt Office) / Donors & Sponsors (Other Offices)”.
Ensure that the System is satisfying the needs of all organizational departments.
Perform proactive system monitoring to identify any performance and/or data consistency issues.
Supervisory Responsibilities
Knowledge and Skills
Bachelor’s degree in computer engineering, computer science, information systems management or related fields.
6-8 years of related, professional experience.
Strong experience on Microsoft Enterprise Network Services (Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, WSUS, Group Policy,…etc)
Strong experience in complex network design, implementation, and security.
Good experience on supportive function systems (Monitoring solution, Ticketing systems…etc)
Strong CRM system administration and design capabilities with excellent troubleshooting skills required, Salesforce CRM experience is a plus.
Strong knowledge about the Object Oriented systems and its relational design.
Good experience Object Oriented Programming. (Java & Javascript programming experience is a plus).
Excellent knowledge of Data Analysis and Data Visualization.
Ability to identify and solve problems, complete tasks in a timely manner.
Ability to gather, analyze and present information and numerical data effectively, and a demonstrated, high level of accuracy and thoroughness in all duties.
Ability to guide less experienced colleagues and mentor them.
Ability to lead projects and coordinate/utilize the internal resource and external vendor to ensure project success and smooth delivery.
An eye for detail is a must.
Fiscal Responsibilities (budgeting responsibilities, approval privileges on purchase orders and check requests, reporting and auditing functions)
The extent of Public Contact (within and outside the organization)
Daily contact with Egypt Office staff and other staff in the field.
Regular interactions with other staff abroad.
Physical Demands (walking, lifting, carrying, etc.)
Typical office environment limited to walking, sitting, typing, using the telephone and office equipment, and occasional lifting of boxes and luggage.
Occasional travel, nationally or internationally, is expected.
Working Conditions and Environment (i.e., necessary travel, unusual work hours, etc.)
May be required to work extra/off-duty hours/travel abroad when necessary.
Apply Now
#premier_Egypt is hiring hashtag Payroll Specialist
– Education: Bachelor degree
– Experience: Minimum 1 year in the same field.…
– V.good command of English language.
– Location: first settlement
– Type of job: Full time
Advanced Excel
– Benefits: Good package + Social & Medical insurance
If you’re interested, please send your updated CV to: [email protected]
Mentioning the job title in the subject
Cash Less is seeking to hire excellent calibers immediately for the below positions
Company Brief:
Cashless plus is an electronic payment company, that recently… launched app & e-card to facilitate and solve the complexity of online commerce, subscription billing, and payments with a set of tools to accept payments whether Smart card or via mobile to pay government bills, retail stores, electricity, restaurants,……..ETC
– Job Requirements:
-Bachelor degree.
-Minimum 4 years as an experience in the same field especially recruitment, Payroll and Personnel.
-Males & Females are welcomed to apply.
Work Location: Maadi
Interested candidates can send their CVs to [email protected] mentioning HR-08 in the subject field, otherwise unfortunately your CV will not be seen
We are hiring a training coordinator and an OD Coordinator too. Preferred exp of training and OD within the high tech industry /software houses of 2 years. Both jobs will be posted on our website shortly so till then feel free to share your resume to [email protected]
نُشِرت في Coordinator، Training، Training coordinator
Human Resources Business Partner
Job description
Souq.com, an Amazon.com Company, is the largest eCommerce site in the Arab world. Every month, Souq.com attracts more than 41 million visits to its catalogue of more than 8.5 million unique products in 35 different categories, including consumer electronics, household goods, fashion, watches, perfumes, toys, and baby products.
Primary Responsibilities
As an internal consultant; the HR Business Partner would be responsible for leading all HR efforts for Fulfillment Operations out of Cairo, Egypt as well as partnering with the business leaders to offer support, coach and guide, and ensure compliance, alignment and implementation of Souq/ amazon people practices
This would include implementing HR best practices, addressing people challenges, building employee engagement, supporting the organization’s effectiveness by hiring and developing the best, and implementing solutions aligned to business strategy.
Basic Qualifications
Own and manage the relationships with several client group business leaders.
Develop plans and write detailed documents to reflect proposed initiatives, reasoning and data analysis, mechanisms for execution and time lines
Ensure compliance with HR policies, train and coach leaders and HR resources and create strong relationship with remote Shared Service Centers and through hands-on admin delivery as necessary.
Provide management support and advice to build leadership capabilities.
Maintain a strong focus on employee relations, performance management, employee engagement and retention activities, including an understanding of compensation and benefits and development activity;
Support key HR projects and process improvements
Demonstrate excellent analytical capabilities and influence business leaders with data-driven recommendations to improve performance, retention and the employee experience.
Ensure alignment of HR programs by partnering with peers and colleagues in other locations and also across Corporate business units locally
Coordinate all personnel representative relationships and legal compliance issues.
Provide expert input to your client groups as well as the HR team in terms of local employment legislation, policies and practices.
Company – QExpress LLC
To assist and follow the Payroll procedures in HC department.
Role Details – Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities:
Perform daily payroll department operations on the system.
Manage work-flow to ensure all transactions are processed accurately and timely.
Prepare monthly company payroll taking into consideration all actions that impact payroll such as overtime , vacations, resignations, promotions and other payroll effects at Deadline.
Reconcile payroll prior to transmission and validate confirmed reports.
Reply various inquiries regarding payroll in a timely manner.
Follow up from hiring to resignation cycle with HR department.
Revise all off-cycles calculations such as (Incentives – Overtime – Business Trips Expenses ) performed by several departments and ensure recording on the system.
Record Payroll Transactions in Financial on a monthly closing and reconcile monthly bank statements job requirements.
Personal Characteristics and Required Background
Skillset (job specific technical skills and behavioral competencies needed):
Education: Bachelor Degree in Commerce.
PC Skills: Excellent knowledge of MS Office.
English Language level: Very Good command of reading, writing and speaking.
Similar work experience.
Creativity and the ability to come up with new ideas.
Ability to work professionally with all levels of employees.
Minimum Experience: 1-3 years
An HR & recruitment intern is needed to work from our co-working space in Cairo.
– Duration: 3 months
– Salary: Paid
– Requirements:
1- Fresh grad with Business degree or equivalent.
2- Strong written and verbal communication skills in Arabic and English
3- Passionate to learn about recruitment and HR.
Looking for ” #HR_Generalist ” for a well-known group of companies
-Handling different HR Procedures , ensure the HR operations will be running smoothly and effectively to deliver maximum value to the organization as a whole.
-Complete exit interviews and process termination paperwork.…
-Be available to assist with New Hire Orientation and Benefits presentations, as needed.
-Create and distribute monthly reports.
-Oversees full cycle recruitment ,employee files, disciplinary, medical, and other records. Assures that employee files are kept in compliance.
-Keep track of hour rates, wages, compensation benefit rates, new hire information etc.
-Prepare reports for upper management, finance department etc.
-Keep track of hour rates, wages, compensation benefit rates, new hire information etc.
-Prepare reports for upper management, finance department
-Bachelor degree (Business administration is preferable)
-1:2 years of experience in HR Filed (Com&Ben, OD, Recruitment)
If you are interested send your CV to [email protected] mentioning Job position in the Subject
نُشِرت في HR، HR Generalist
Windrose Academy is currently looking to hire HR Coordinator to be responsible for the following:
Assist in the recruitment and interview process.
Handle staff social insurance.
Keep track of staff attendance & vacation balance.…
Handle staff medical insurance process.
Complete new hire onboarding process.
Other duties as assigned.
Bachelor’s Degree in any field.
Proven experience as HR coordinator.
Previous experience in schools is a plus.
Excellent command of written and spoken english.
Excellent communication skills.
HR Certificate or Diploma is a plus.
If you are interested in applying, send your cv to [email protected]
One of the leading furniture manufactures in Egypt and Mena Region Company is hiring the following roles:
– HR Manager (male-female) +15 years of experience
Work location: El Khanka City, Kalyoubia
Working hours
08:00 – 16:00
Working days
• Saturday –Thursday
• Transportation
• Medical Insurance
• Mobile Allowance
Manufacturing background in is a must for all the above mentioned roles.
If interested, please send your CV with the title in the subject line at:- [email protected]
El Kalaoui Consulting, www.kalaoui.com, is hiring for its partner, a leading, aspiring & fast growing Food Preparation Chain, the following positions:
181002 Key Accounts Manager, to lead & relaunch the product portfolio within the channel.
181003 B2B Brand Manager, to lead a new brand development and launch to the market.
181004 R&PM Procurement Manager, to lead, optimize & restructure the operation.
181005 Plant HR Business Partner, to champion the whole HR role within the 400 Man Operation.
181006 QA Manager, designing & leading the implementation of a comprehensive Quality Assurance Program in the Plant.
181007 Health & Safety Manager, designing & leading the implementation of a comprehensive Health & Safety Program in the Plant.
Please apply in confidence, send your CV in an email titled with your name, the opening code & job title to …
[email protected]
Tele sales Agent, full time\part time, Male or Female with maximum age 27 years (Vodafone ADSL -Postpaid) is urgently needed for a multinational company located in Maadi anyone who is Graduated or Undergrad With or Without any work experience and wants to work (on shift basis from 10 :00 am till maximum 7:00 PM ) with an interesting package , in addition to medical and social insurance will be requested to send their C.V’s on [email protected] and please mention the job title in the subject line of your email” Tele sales”, or call on 01000755079 from Sunday to Thursday from 10:00 am till 5:00 pm.
Blue sky group is urgently hiring:
1. Ticketing agent
– Presentable
– Excellent interpersonal, listening skills & communication skills.
– Preferred 1 – 2 previous experience in Customer Service/Sales .
– Net Salary (1500 basic + 1500 bonus )
– 8 working hours
– Cairo and Giza branches
2. Call center agent
– Excellent interpersonal, listening skills & communication skills.
– Preferred 1 – 2 previous experience in Customer Service/Sales .
– Net Salary (2500 basic + bonus depend on exp. )
– Headoffice: Mohandseen
Qualified Candidates send their recently updated CVs to: [email protected]
Any E-mail without the JOB TITLE in the subject will be neglected.
A reputable Ladies Gym Located in Nasr City is hiring the below positions:
Sales Indoors
-0/2 Years of Experience
-Excellent Communication Skills
Interested Candidates can send their CV with an attached photo to [email protected] writing the job title in the subject line.
A reputable Ladies Gym Located in Nasr City is hiring the below positions:
Teacher for the Kids Area
-0/2 Years of Experience
-Excellent Communication Skills
Interested Candidates can send their CV with an attached photo to [email protected] writing the job title in the subject line.
A reputable Ladies Gym Located in Nasr City is hiring the below positions:
1) Receptionist
-0/2 Years of Experience
-Excellent Communication Skills
Interested Candidates can send their CV with an attached photo to [email protected] writing the job title in the subject line
#NACITA_Corporation is hiring “Import Specialist”
hashtag#Job Tasks:
– Follow-up clearance of goods e.g. “Tires, Batteries, etc”.
-Endorsement of shipping documents.…
-Entering data for all shipments in its related sheets.
-Finalizing SAP related processes (creating POs – revising contracts).
-Sending orders to the suppliers and follow up receiving the P/Is.
-Following up with suppliers the flow of the goods (Quantity- Timing).
-Communicate with suppliers in any problem related to shipments.
-Manage the necessary documentation of every shipment.
• Bachelor degree in Commerce, accounting, Arab Academy For Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport or other related fields.
• Minimum of 1 – 3 years of work experience in relevant field.
• Male/ Females
• Fluent English Level is a MUST.
• Excellent Communication Skills.
• Excellent Command of Microsoft Office and Computer Skills.
• Present ability is a MUST.
Interested Candidates may send their Resume to: [email protected]
With title “Import Specialist” in the Subject Bar.
A well Known Company is hiring :
Admin Assistant
Job Description:…
– answering calls, taking messages and handling correspondence
– maintaining diaries and arranging appointments
– typing, preparing and collating reports
– filing
– organizing and servicing meetings (producing agendas and taking minutes) – prioritizing workloads
– coordinating mail
Bachelor BSc/BA in business, or relevant field
Proficient in MS Office
Experience: 3-2 years.
Excellent in English High communication skills
If you are interested, please send your updated CV to the following email address ([email protected])
please mention the job title in the subject line you are applying for.
Any CV without subject will be neglected
We are hiring :
Logistic Section Head
Job Description: …
Ensure effective and timely implementation of all Logistics daily operational goals inclusive of Shipping functions and Inventory Management.
* Develop and initiate monthly reports , corporate metrics and productivity measurements.
*Lead training, hiring, career development and enrichment of all department associates. *Support inventory management consisting of reconciling and maintaining of finished goods inventory
*Establish and manage relations with warehouses, ocean carriers, customs broker, drayage providers, sales force and customers.
*Analyze and log purchase orders commensurate to existing stock availability and reduce shipping cost.
*Oversee and monitor availability of stock to reduce shortages.
*Negotiate and support logistics costs meant for 3rd party logistics providers assisting yearly budget goals.
*Ensure to process orders and on-time delivery by network of courier companies and warehouses.
*Plan and arrange logistics required shipments.
*Support simplification and standardization of processes to accelerate logistics and enhance efficiencies.
*Identify enhancement opportunities and suggest solutions for improvement to top management.
*Head team to develop, articulate and maintain logistic process documentation.
Ability to communicate effectively interdepartmental, and externally with vendors, freight companies, and others.
*Ability to respond effectively and in a timely manner to departmental needs, focusing on customer service.
*Ability to compile reports and compose general business correspondence
If you are interested, please send your updated CV to the following email address ([email protected])
please mention the job title in the subject line you are applying for.
Any CV without subject will be neglected
A well Known Company is hiring :
Group Treasure Director
Job Description:…
1. Forecast cash flow positions, related borrowing needs, and funds available for investment
2. Ensure that sufficient funds are available to meet ongoing operational and capital investment requirements
3. Use hedging to mitigate financial risks related to the interest rates on the companys borrowings, as well as on its foreign exchange positions
4. Maintain banking relationships
5. Maintain credit rating agency relationships
6. Arrange for equity and debt financing
7. Invest funds 8. Invest pension funds
9. Monitor the activities of third parties handling outsourced treasury functions on behalf of the company
10. Advise management on the liquidity aspects of its short- and long-range planning
11. Oversee the extension of credit to customers
12. Maintain a system of policies and procedures that impose an adequate level of control over treasury activities Qualifications
Bachelors degree in finance or accounting, plus 10+ years of progressively responsible treasury experience for a major company. Should have a thorough understanding of derivatives, hedging, investments, bank account management, and international funds flows.
If you are interested, please send your updated CV to the following email address ([email protected])
please mention the job title in the subject line you are applying for.
Any CV without subject will be neglected
A well Known Company is hiring :
Financial Planning Analyst
Job Description:…
• Defines financial situation by completing quantitative analyses.
• Evaluates optional plans by identifying outcomes and potential returns.
• Values assets by appraising current condition; assessing potential. – Recommends debt structures by analyzing refinancing options.
• Builds financial database by identifying sources of information; assembling, verifying, and backing up data.
• Recommends financial actions by assessing options in relation to organization goals.
• Prepares financial reports by collecting, formatting, analyzing, and explaining information.
• Protects operations by keeping financial information confidential.
• Maintains technical knowledge by attending educational workshops; reviewing publications.
• Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.
Risk-Taking, Tracking Budget Expenses, Financial Planning and Strategy, Statistical Analysis, Reporting Research Results, Database Design, Strategic Planning, Forecasting, Analyzing Information , Conceptual Skills, Financial Skills
If you are interested, please send your updated CV to the following email address ([email protected])
please mention the job title in the subject line you are applying for.
Any CV without subject will be neglected
We are hiring :
Warehouse Manager
Job Description: …
• liaise with customers, suppliers and transport companies
• plan, coordinate and monitor the receipt, order, assembly and dispatch of goods
• have a clear understanding of the company’s policies and vision and how the warehouse contributes to these
• coordinate the use of automated and computerised systems where necessary
• respond to and deal with customer communication by email and telephone
• keep stock control systems up to date and make sure inventories are accurate
• plan future capacity requirements
• produce regular reports and statistics on a daily, weekly and monthly basis
• maintain standards of health and safety, hygiene and security in the work environment, for example, ensuring that stock such as chemicals and food are stored safely
Supervision, Developing Budgets, Safety Management, Developing Standards, Managing Processes, Surveillance Skills, Inventory Control, Reporting Skills, Analyzing Information
If you are interested, please send your updated CV to the following email address ([email protected])
please mention the job title in the subject line you are applying for.
Any CV without subject will be neglected
KWN Digital is looking forward to hiring a Potential #Marketing_Manager with the below profile.
Key Skills and Qualifications:
• Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Business, or a Related Field
• Minimum of 10 Years’ experience including at least 2 years of Managerial Level…
• Master Degree of Marketing is a BIG PLUS
• Experience with creating a marketing campaign, marketing strategy and marketing plan.
• Experience with online marketing, including social media and content marketing
• Experience in GCC in highly preferable
• Experience in e-commerce and Startups is a BIG PLUS
• Proven experience in identifying target audiences and in creatively devising and leading across channels marketing campaigns that engage, educate and motivate
• Solid knowledge of website analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics, Web Trends)
• Experience in setting up and optimizing Google AdWords campaigns
• Up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in online marketing and measurement
– Work Location: Maadi
– Working Conditions: 8 hours / 5 days a week “Sundays through Thursdays”
– Attractive Package will be offered for the Shortlisted Candidate
– Salaries can be paid in EGP Or USD
Apply NOW: [email protected] Mentioning the Job Title in the email Subject.
Huawei is Hiring a Finance Assistant
Job description:
• Develop, maintain, and analyze budgets, preparing periodic reports that compare budgeted costs to actual… costs.
• Prepare, examine, or analyze accounting records, or other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards.
• Review accounts for reconcile differences.
1-3years working experiences; have AP/AR or other related experience, finance or commercial major is better, fluent in English.
If you are interested please send your CV to [email protected] mention in the subject “Finance Assistant”.
Note: Three Vacancies are open.
One of the big companies in the field of Automotive Industry need to hire the following positions:
General Accountant (3 to 7 years of experience)
Location: 6th of October City.
Bachelor’s degree from a reputable university with a major in (Accounting, Finance).
Good English.
Candidates must have previous experience of industrial and manufacturing filed.
Good knowledge of MS Office.
Good knowledge of ERP System is a plus.
Residence of 6 October, Sheikh Zayed, Hadaik El Ahram, is a must .
Attractive Package
2 days off
Interested candidates please send your CV to [email protected] , mention the job title in the subject.
One of the big companies in the field of Automotive Industry need to hire the following positions:
Cost Control Section Head (7 to 15 years of experience)
Location: 6th of October City.
Bachelor’s degree from a reputable university with a major in (Accounting, Finance).
Good English.
Candidates must have previous experience of industrial and manufacturing filed.
Good knowledge of MS Office.
Good knowledge of ERP System is a plus.
Residence of 6 October, Sheikh Zayed, Hadaik El Ahram, is a must .
Attractive Package
2 days off
Interested candidates please send your CV to [email protected] , mention the job title in the subject.
One of the big companies in the field of Automotive Industry need to hire the following positions:
Accounting Manager (7 to 15 years of experience)
Location: 6th of October City.
Bachelor’s degree from a reputable university with a major in (Accounting, Finance).
Good English.
Candidates must have previous experience of industrial and manufacturing filed.
Good knowledge of MS Office.
Good knowledge of ERP System is a plus.
Residence of 6 October, Sheikh Zayed, Hadaik El Ahram, is a must .
Attractive Package
2 days off
Interested candidates please send your CV to [email protected] , mention the job title in the subject.
We are seeking to hire Compensation and Benefits Coordinator
Company Name: Spinneys Egypt.
Location: Maadi
· Create employee records on HR system for new employees including SI number, Employees’ Photos; and update data regularly
· Handle bank account openings process to reduce % of cash every payroll
· Handle medical insurance updates (in/out, categories, dependents,..) and claims.
· Prepare final settlement for resigned employees
· Prepare HR letters, experience letters and any other requested letters
· Ensure HR system is updated through review of reports
· Assist HR manager in analysis of monthly staff cost report
Female Sales/Admin Executive (50% indoors activities), the main responsibilities and duties:
The owner is the Middle East sole agent for entertainment equipment… from Italy for leisure parks and Family entertainment centers ( like dreamland and Kidzania)
the candidate will be responsible for:
•Marketing the products in the middle east by sending offers/proposals to our existing clients list
•Using the Internet to communicate with the existing database client of the company.
Job Requirements
•Females ONLY.
•Knowledge of the sales/marketing techniques including sales meetings
•Experience Needed: 3-10 years
•Comprehensive computer skills ( office ) Photoshop or editing programs is an advantage to help to prepare offers and proposals
•Superior communication skills
•Self-motivated, self-initiative
•Good level of English language
•Travel is a plus
3,500 to 4,000 EGP per month, Commission +10% Annual Increase
Interested applicants, please send your CV with the job title in the email subject to [email protected]
Male Administrative assistant
( facilitating work by carrying out tasks outside and inside the office,mainly related to admin. Or Real Estate business
•Bachelor Degree preferred accounting or Law graduated but not a must
•3-5 years of experience
•Experience in dealing with companies and governmental departments.
•High communication and negotiation skills
•Active and committed to work
•Travel Frequency: Up to 50% travel inside Egypt
•Good communication skills
•Preferred male
•Driving License is a plus but not must
•Experience in working and following up with governmental issues/ permissions …etc
•Willing to do work outside the office most of the time
•Has logical thinking and organized
2,500 to 3,000 EGP per month, bonus + 10% annual increase
Interested applicants, please send your CV with the job title in the email subject to [email protected]